Supplements Information

Mineral Supplement: Minerals in Your Diet!

The food is the raw material for the body. Minerals are one of the important components of human nutrition. Minerals are grouped under two categories macro (the ones which we need in large amounts) and trace (the ones ne need in small amounts).

Here are some minerals which should be an important part of your diet.

Calcium: It is used for bone formation, muscle movement (cramps may result from calcium deficiency) and burning fat (some studies point towards taking calcium to lose weight).Over consumption of protein leads to calcium loss from the bones.

It is usually found in large quantities in dairy products, sea food with bones, non-vegetarian foods, soy/tofu and green leafy vegetables.

Must Read: Learn how calcium promotes weight loss at

Phosphorus: It is required for formation of genetic material, bones, maintaining the acid base balance, and for metabolism.

It is found in legumes and nuts.

Sodium: Very important to maintain the fluid levels and acid base balance of the body. Perspiration vomiting, loose motions etc tend to upset the acid base balance. People with iodine deficiency can additionally use sea kelp which is also good source of iron

It is found in small quantities in most foods. The best sources are rock salt and sea salt.

Must Visit: Low Sodium Recipes at

Potassium: It helps maintain the water balance in the body, maintains blood pressure, nerve impulses. People with kidney problems need to be very careful about potassium levels.

Some foods which are good sources are banana, melons,potatoes,tomato and orange.

Zinc: It is responsible for fertility, skin, hair and is part of many enzymes.

It is found in nuts, whole grains, legumes and non-vegetarian foods.

Iodine: It is responsible for being a part of the hormonal system and many hypothyroids may benefit from consuming natural forms like sea kelp.

It is also found in the iodised variety of salts.

Copper: A trace metal found in many foods. It is needed for manufacturing haemoglobin and many enzymes.

Copper is also available when water is stored in a copper vessel overnight and consumed in the morning.

Must Visit: Vitamin Supplement Information: Educate yourself before you buy them at

Fluoride: Essential for dental health.

Found in water.

Must Read: Study proves that Calcium reduce Premenstrual Syndrome by 60%. Learn more at

About the Author:

Ashley Green: for your complete and most comprehensive family guide on Health.

Look out for highly effective and safe mineral supplement at Buy Mineral Supplement and other Supplements for Health Care

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