Supplements Information

The Benefits of Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 has exploded onto the health scene. This powerful mineral has many health saving properties. It is responsible for essential chemical reactions in your body as well as being a dynamite antioxidant.

What's more, Coenzyme Q10 or CoQ10 occurs naturally in your body, (and that's good), but unfortunately, as you age, have nutritional deficiencies or get sick you are producing less of this essential mineral.

And check this out...studies show that an estimated 25% deficiency will cause serious metabolic health problems. At 75%, death will follow and that would mean no more birthday cake for you!

CoQ10 plays a key role in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) needed for energy production in every cell. It also has a powerful antioxidant that helps guard against damage from free radicals.

And that is just for starters, cardiologist Peter Langsjorn explains "Like the vitamins discovered in the early part of this century, CoQ10 is an essential element of food that can now be used medically."

It gets even better...

Here are just a few of the health benefits:

Weight Loss - stimulates your bodies metabolism

Healthy Gums - suppresses gingival inflammation

Male Fertility - improves sperm mobility and protects free radical injury

Cardiovascular - improvement of symptoms in cardiac and congestive heart failure patients

Immune System - significantly enhances function

In various other studies CoQ10 was a tremendous benefit in lowering high blood pressure and helped with angina and congestive heart failure.

So you may be asking yourself, "Wow, where do I find this stuff??" well, good news and bad news. A small amount, 10 to 20 milligrams of CoQ10, can be found in fish and organ meats of animals. Well...that slowed me down a little! I don't like organ meats of animals, do you? Yuck! Here is another solution. An easily available source of this nutrient is in many high quality nutritional systems.

Safe scientific formulated blends of vitamins and minerals including CoQ10 are specially formulated for maximum absorption. For adults taking Coenzyme Q10 in a supplement, the optimal amount should be between 30 and 90 mg per day. Under a doctors care, higher amounts may be prescribed.

Regardless of age or health almost everybody would benefit from taking CoQ10 daily. Our health and quality of life are based on feeling good and having healthy energy supplies.

And really people... this is so much better for your energy levels than a cigarette and a diet soda!

Brennan Howe is owner of the free hair loss information site Find out how good nutrition will help your hair loss.


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