Supplements Information

The Liquid Vitamin Mineral Supplement

The liquid vitamin mineral supplement is a must have for maximum vitality and health. In today's fast food environment most of us do not get the proper balance of food for the necessary for optimal health Unfortunately the body only absorbs 10 to 20 percent of the nutrients found in traditional pills and capsules. Thus the case for the liquid vitamin mineral supplement.

That 10-20% goes even lower as we age (especially we seniors darn it - :-)) as we have a heck of a lot less stomach acid required to break down these pills and capsules.

Some simple research also reveals a deficiency in nutrients can cause us suffering and may even shorten our lives. Can you even begin to imagine what this maybe doing to our children and grandchildren as their bodies and minds are trying to develop? Crazy behavior, inattentiveness, bad grades, ancy-pants, hyper? Humm...?

After snooping around a little we also learned that four to five crop rotations were planted each year on a single plot of land, intense farming practices have depleted vital nutrients from the soil. 99% of us are deficient in minerals...The alarming fact is that foods, fruits, vegetables, and grains now being raised on millions of acres of land no longer contain enough certain needed minerals and are starving us, no matter how much of them we eat.

Take a peek at the U.S. Senate Document 264 and the 1992 Earth Summit Report support these findings and suggest that 99 percent of Americans are mineral deficient.

Malnutrition comes in the form of "too much" rather than too little - too much saturated fat, too many hydrogenated fats, too much sodium, too much refined sugar, too many calories. These food excesses result in an added burden to the body and do not supply adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals. Over 90% of U.S. adults are still deficient in at least one vitamin or mineral. We are an overfed and undernourished nation.

We have a serious malnutrition problem here in the USA but its not for the lack of food. Thus the obvious need for the liquid vitamin mineral supplement.

Review the nutritional deficiencies chart and learn about the Senate document 264, earth summit report liquid vitamin mineral supplement


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