Supplements Information

Store Bought Vitamins - Synthetic?

Did you know that most store bought vitamins and minerals are synthetic and are hard on your liver and kidneys? Have you noticed that if you do take store bought vitamins that you switch the brands like switching shampoos?

Think about how a cell works. If someone was suffering from scurvy, all they had to do was eat an orange and the body would immediately recover because the cells recognized that copper is the center of vitamin C and that it has all of it's bioflavinoids surrounding it and just one tiny arm of the copper is vitamin C.

When you buy synthetic vitamin C, you are only absorbing a maximum of 15% or you may have one of those products where the label is inconsistent with what is actually in the vitamin.

Did you know that your cells will cannibalize a neighboring cell to try and make sense out of the synthetic vitamins in order to absorb it? Not good when you consider your cells assimilate food, not rocks and minerals mined from the earth.

Make sense?

Therefore at least one manufactuer has a DNA(Dietery Needs Assesment) Survey. You take this test that is more accurate than a blood test to find out about your autonomic nervous system. The way we eat may have to be adjusted according to our genetic disposition.

Did you know that it takes up to four generations to adjust to an entirely new way of eating? That's why Pritikin and Atkins are not for everyone. Vitamins are not a "one size fits all" and most importantly of all, it must not be vitamin A, it must be the hole carrot.

Take the DNA Survey today, find out what you should be eating according to how fast or how slow you digest. Then, see your recommended FOOD Vitamin that is over 90% absorbed and supports the autonomic nervous system for you.

Click on the links to pull up the test and recommended results for free:

Now, Inuit people in Alaska eat high protein and animal fats in their diet and in complete contrast, Hindu people eat plant foods and no meat. They both have absolutely no history of heart disease in their culture. However, if you were to switch their diets... there would be grave circumstances.

This DNA test is cutting edge. Find out what you are, look at the pie chart showing you the portions of fats (fatt acids or EFA's), proteins, and carbohydrates for your genetic disposition.

Zach Thompson works internationally as a Glyconutritional Consultant. He lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains of rural Virginia. He serves primarily the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia, & New Zealand. His clients range from Professional & Olympic Athletes to those with auto-immune disease & children with Learning Disabilities. He uses exclusively Pharmaceutical-Grade Glyconutritonals, & Dietery Supplements that meet or exceed the criteria set forth by The Council for Responsible Nutrition in his practice. The consumption of Organic & chemical-free foods along with a low-glycemic diet plan is an integral part of of his clients path to wellness. You can get more information at: .


Do GLP-1 Supplements Work?  diaTribe Foundation

Omega-3 Supplements: What You Need To Know  National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health

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