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Coral Calcium: Achieving Optimum Health

The more I study health and fitness, the more convinced I become that the well-maintained human body is a truly remarkable machine. Every small part functioning in its place. Each and every cell working together to sustain the whole. Talk about the Ferrari of nature . . . look no further than the dramatic potential of your own body.

Our bodies are certainly beautiful machines. Taking nutrients from nature and producing energy, speed, and power. If our bodies are well-honed machines, then the minerals found in nature are the key elements in the fuel that drives those humming engines. Zinc. Cooper. Magnesium. And, perhaps above all, Calcium. These minerals, pulled out of the ground and sea in the food that sustains us, form the very foundation of health and well-being.

Unfortunately, over the past century our farm lands and soils have been depleted of many of these life-sustaining minerals. As a result, our foods and ultimately our bodies have become mineral deficient. I remember reading about how back as early as the 1930s the US government began warning Americans to start supplementing their diets with minerals because the US farmlands had become severely mineral-deficient due to over-farming. These deficiencies threaten to upset our health in innumerable ways. Indeed, there are many doctors who will tell you flat out that at least 150 diseases of the body are caused by mineral deficiency. Osteoporosis, Chronic Fatigue, Hypertension--these are merely the tip of the iceberg.

Deficiency is, in effect, the nasty word in the nutrition of the body. Fuel the machine properly and it runs like the wind. Deprive the Ferrari of the necessary high-octane ingredients and it begins to knock and ping. To sputter and breakdown. Deprive the body of the minerals it thrives on and performance suffers dramatically.

Fight Back Against Mineral Deficiency

One way active people who enjoy having an edge over the crowd are able to fight back against the dramatic effects of mineral deficiency is by supplementing wisely with a multi vitamin and mineral and using a high quality coral calcium formula.

You likely already know about the well-documented benefits of multi vitamins, but what about coral calcium?

Let me tell you straight out that I do not believe that coral calcium is some sort of magic pixie dust. Supplementing with it, will not guarantee that you'll live to 120. That's just utter nonsense. A fairy tale.

But coral calcium is a remarkable supplement that contains every mineral found in the human body. True high-quality coral calcium uses 100% pure, ionized bio-available coral calcium, collected from the waters of Okinawa, Japan with ecological safety. The coral is naturally biochemically altered to contain all the mineral nutrients of life. The calcium to magnesium ratio is a biologically perfect 2:1. The result is a powerhouse of marine nutrients. Perfect balance and perfect ratios for a perfect machine.

What Exactly are Coral Minerals?

Coral minerals are one of nature's best examples of it's simple perfection. Tiny sea animals ingest ionic ocean minerals and secrete them into formations of coral. This creates a coral with a natural balance of 74 organic coral minerals. Those minerals are then harvested in an ecologically responsible manner from above sea coral deposits. Once harvested the coral is then crushed into an ultra-fine powder and safely sterilized.

Natural balance and easy absorption are the key.

Coral contains a natural balance of 74 minerals. This in and of itself is extremely important given that each mineral requires other minerals to be present in order to do its job properly. The supporting minerals require their own supporting minerals and so on. Basically, all the minerals must be present in order for any of them to work optimally. This is called synergy and it refers to the way each mineral works in the body to support the others.

Coral Calcium is perhaps the most synergistic mineral supplement ever known. All the parts work to sustain and support the whole. It's beautiful.

One of the main problems with supplemental mineral intake is poor absorption. It is very difficult for the human body to properly assimilate inorganic minerals. All the research I've seen indicates that coral calcium, on the other hand, is highly absorbable.

I am not a chemist and I don't pretend to be. But from what I can make of the research, coral calcium becomes ionic when put in contact with moisture, like the moisture found in the human stomach, and the absorption rate increases exponentially. It seems that the organic formation and ionic properties of coral calcium make it one of the most absorbable mineral forms that exists.

How Coral Calcium Can Work for You

Coral calcium provides your body with the minerals necessary to form the basic foundation of optimum health. Supplementing with coral calcium supplies the body with any deficient minerals, elevates the overall mineral level of the body, and restores the proper mineral balance which is the key to strong, healthy bones and enzymatic activities.

In raising the level of healthy minerals in the body, coral calcium also elevates the pH of tissues and body fluids ultimately restoring them back to optimum levels. As you may know, most diseases thrive on the low pH levels typically found in mineral deficient body fluids and tissues.

The modern diet, with its heavy concentration of highly processed foods, is in and of itself suspect when it comes to supplying adequate mineral levels for sustained health. But that's only half of the story.

As alluded to earlier, even those people who try hard to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet can be significantly mineral deficient primarily because poor farming practices have depleted the mineral content of the soils. Fewer minerals in the soils ultimately means fewer minerals in the grown and harvested food supply. And that's even before any processing takes place! It's no wonder that people in our society are suffering from mineral deficiency on a nearly epidemic scale.

The news for our health is not all grim. When quality organic minerals are supplied in a highly absorbable form such as coral calcium, overall health can improve significantly. Remember, the real advantage of coral calcium is that it contains every mineral your body needs.

Restoring the proper mineral balance in your body is considered to have numerous beneficial effects on overall health and well-being. As we age it's important to maintain proper mineral balance in order to help fight off disease and sustain health and well-being.

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