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Glyconutrients: A Breakthrough Discovery

The science of Glycobiology, touted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as one of the Top Ten Technologies that WILL change this world, is based on a breakthrough discovery. No combination of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbals, or any other nutrient can replace the necessary saccharides (plant sugars), found in glyconutritionals.

Doctors who study "Glycomics" believe the lack of these plant sugars is the reason for much of today's sickness and disease. The process to make the eight glyconutrients is very complex and requires a host of enzymes and micronutrients to complete the action. Scientists believe that our modern, nutrient deficient diet, along with toxins and stress interferes with the process, leaving us lacking in these life-giving molecules.

What Do Glyconutrients Do?

New research has revealed the fact that these biologically active plant sugars are critical for the transfer of all biological data between each of our 600 trillion cells. Glyconutrients serve as the body's intercellular messengers to communicate al that is required for proper function of each and every individual cell. For proper cell-to-cell communication, cells use at least eight specific carbohydrates to "speak" to each other. As your cells touch each other, they communicate over this "sugar code" everything a cell needs: nutrition, repair, hormones, etc. The 1999 Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded for this discovery.

Endogenous Stem Cells

Stem cells are produced in the bone marrow and travel throughout the body repairing damaged tissues. Doctors at the Fisher Institute for Medical Research were perplexed by the numerous reports from around the world of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Stroke victims making remarkable recoveries, and Diabetics were producing insulin again. All were taking a glyconutrient complex.

"When they measured the before and after stem cell counts in the blood, virtually none were detected prior to the introduction of glyconutrients. Within a week of consuming glyconutrients, trillions of stem cells can be found!" Fisher Proceedings, vol3, no.3.

No other product, natural or artificial has ever been clinically proven to stimulate production of stem cells.

The Most Important Nutrient is The One That is Missing!

Gary Hart, a research Ph.D., from John Hopkins University recently said "that without glycosylation (these sugars attaching to proteins at the cell level) there cannot be life." He's not saying without glycosylation you may get a sinus infection, or without glycosylation you won't get gray hair'? he's saying without these plant sugars in place there is only degeneration and No Life!

In a perfect world we would be getting these glyconutrients from a diet consisting of a broad variety of vine-ripened fruit and vegetables, roots, berries and plants to modern agricultural methods, and the high percentage of processed and nutritionally empty foods in our diets, we only get 2 of the necessary 8 plant sugars.

Sure, your body can make some of these sugars, but it takes ideal conditions and over 30 enzymatic conversions to do so. If your body is trying to perform these conversions on a daily basis, then you an bet you are exhausted and find little energy to live a truly vital, normal life.

To learn more about glyconutritionals go to:

If you would like a complimentary report on glyconutrients and stem cells e-mail Dr. David Enders at with "stem cells" in subject line.

To listen 24/7 to doctors speaking on glyconutrients, call 973-854-4539

Dr. David K. Enders is a Chiropractic Physician with over 30 years experience in nutrition. He has had articles published in professional journals on Women's Health, Homeopathy, and Herbs.

Dr. Enders was Director of one of the first Womens Wellness Centers in the Chicago area. The center offered chiropractic, accupuncture, massage, homeopathic and nutritional counseling for womens health issues.


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