Supplements Information

Supplements Information

The Beneficial Effects Of Vitamins On Your Digestive System

As much as we would like to deny it, the digestive system is our favorite system of the body. Why? Because it involves food of course.

What Are Nutraceuticals and Why Are the Drug Companies Upset?

If you break the word apart, Nutra has to do with nutrition, and Ceuticals has to do with drug companies - pharmaceuticals. So what is the big deal? Nutraceuticals are god-given nutrients that are readily available for our good health, but drug companies want to make them illegal to buy and use - unless they can sell them to increase their bank accounts.

Health Benefits of Taking Spirulina Daily - Real Health Part 5

As I mentioned in Part 4 of my Real Health diet series, I believe that taking green foods, particularly spirulina and chlorella, is very important to your health. This article will focus on why you should take spirulina.

Vitamins and Minerals Help Ensure A Good Healthy Heart

Taking good care of your body means that you are able to maintain adequate amounts of the minerals, vitamins and nutrients that are needed to ensure a totally healthy well-being. Also, it is very important to note that the heart requires a significant amount of attention too, in order for it to be able to function well and be able to have a healthy circulation of blood around the body.

I Have a Headache!

Actually, my headache is not the result of just thinking - it's due more to what I've been thinking about. I can normally go for months and months and months without any perceptible twinge of intracranial discomfort.

Easing Arthritis Pain with Glucosamine & Chondroitin Supplements

If you suffer from arthritis pain, chances are you've heard of a relatively new over-the-counter remedy called Glucosamine. But what is Glucosamine, and how does it work to relieve arthritis? In this article, I'll introduce you to this new treatment and provide you with the pros and cons of its use.

Getting In-Zinc

As with most nutrients and minerals, zinc is often ignored by the average person however, it is an essential mineral that plays many roles in promoting the healthy functioning of the body. Its importance to the body's well-being goes far back as the earliest moments of growth and development and is serves a highly important role in maintaining a healthy way of life.

Popular Applications of Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid has received much press lately as a natural source of health and beauty. In fact, there are so many uses and benefits of hyaluronic acid, it is instructive to clarify and organize them.

Side Effects of Hyaluronic Acid Products

Currently, there are no known side effects for most hyaluronic acid products including pills, serums, creams and liquids. However, there are some side effects associated with knee and facial injections.

How Effective are Oral Hyaluronic Acid Supplements?

There is a paradox of sorts when dealing with injections versus oral supplements. Many people would much rather take an oral supplement than have an injection administered.

The History of Hyaluronic Acid Treatments

While HA has dramatically increased in popularity and use within the cosmetics community, the vast majority of people remain unaware of its unique history.Also known as hyaluronan and glycosaminoglycan, it plays a key role in both tissue hydration and lubrication.

An Overview of Hyaluronic Acid Products

Hyaluronic acid is available in a variety of products ranging from vitamin supplements to beauty creams. Hyaluronic acid products are manufactured by a number of different sources from natural food retailers to pharmaceutical companies.

Research on Hyaluronic Acid Knee Injections

Hyaluronic acid, a key component of human tissue, aiding the body's flexibility, mobility and moisture retention is a popular component of many anti-aging products but can also provide a wealth of benefits in the medical sphere. Recently, in an attempt to find effective treatment methods for arthritis, scientists have found a strong association between levels of Hyaluronic acid and severe knee and hip arthritis known as osteoarthritis or OA.

Vitamin B1 and Its Importance to Mental Health

Vitamin B1 also called as thiamine is one of the eight vitamins that make up the powerful group called as the Vitamin B complex. Like all of the B vitamins this nutrient plays a great role in the good health of the body as well as a sound mental health.

Beta-Glucan Information

Beta-Glucan is an extremely potent, immune activating substance taken from the cellular walls of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (baker's yeast). The extraction is so pure that consumption of Beta-Glucan is harmless, unlike consuming large amounts of yeast.

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Supplements for Beard Growth  Verywell Health

Is turmeric bad for your kidneys?  The Times of India

Omega-3 Supplements: What You Need To Know  National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health

Can NAD+ Supplements Fend Off Aging, Cancer and More?  University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

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