Supplements Information

I Love My Glyconutrients

In today's modern world most people, like us, just do not feel well and have no energy! Everybody around us is either getting sick, has some terrible disease or is dying! What in the world is going on, why is all this stuff happening to us, and what can we do about it?

This world that we live in is becoming more diseased every day. Thirty to forty years ago society suffered from four known autoimmune diseases. However, now we suffer from over eighty, isn't that incredible? And the numbers keep rising.

The number one killer diseases in America today are heart disease and cancer. Do you know what your chances are of developing heart disease? One out of two! These are not very good statistics. And in addition to that, for fully forty percent of all cardiac disease related deaths, the first symptom is sudden death! Oh no, our chances for healthful survival are diminishing. And we have not even talked about all the other disease that are out there.

The lack of glyconutrients in our diets is one of our problems. In today's fast-pace world, eating truly vine-ripened, fresh fruits and vegetables is not very convenient. This is one of our main problems. So I know you are dying (pun intended), to ask me what are glyconutrients? That is a very good question. When fruits and vegetables are ripened to maturity on the vine, they produce glyconutrients, which simply put are natural sugars (mono-saccharides). They only occur when fruits and vegetables are ripened on the vine and picked fresh. What we buy at the store, most of the time, is picked too early (green harvested). This green harvesting is necessary so that the produce can be handled and will survive the trip to market and arrive intact. However this green harvesting deprives us of the benefit of a fully matured food item that has developed glyconutrients that are so necessary for us to develop and maintain vibrant health. And then there is the common practice of exposing the produce to chemicals that create changes making it appear to be "ripe." The coloration will change and it will appear to the casual shopper to be ready to take home and eat, but it only appears to be ripe, it is often still immature and has not developed the glyconutrients that are so vital to our health. Could it be that is why some fresh produce is so tasteless?

What will these simple sugars do for me? The answer is they make possible cell-to-cell communication, which is the way our cells talk to each other. They use eight essential sugars (monosaccharides) to communicate with each other but if all eight sugars are not present then communication breaks down. What happens when we can't communicate with each other? We end up very confused and we just don't know what to do and often do the wrong thing. Our immune system has the same problem and is very affected, instead of identifying diseased or invading cells and destroying them they start attacking healthy cells. And the bad cells are left to do what they want in our bodies. I know that I want my cell-to-cell communication to be working at its very best and I am sure that you want the same for your body. We want our immune systems killing the bad cells and not the good cells.

Now you might ask: how do I get these simple sugars in my diet? To get them, you can buy your fruits and vegetables fresh from the farm (organically grown if possible), grow your own in an organic garden, or buy supplements that provide all of these simple sugars (glyconutrients).

Now I have a question for you. Have you ever met a one hundred year old person who appears to be sixty or seventy years You can almost bet they always had a garden. For more information, e-mail me at

Also available is a free ebook entitled 10 Deadly Health Myths, to get your free ebook go to E-Mail

My mission in life is to help people with their physical, mental, and spiritual health. I believe it is imperative to understand why we are so sick, why everything is in such chaos, why we are here, and where we are going.

Dean Martin


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Can NAD+ Supplements Fend Off Aging, Cancer and More?  University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

Omega-3s for heart health? Exploring potential benefits and risks  National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

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