Drug Use And Premature Ejaculation
Drug use can cause premature ejaculation for many men. Illegal drugs and legal drugs both can lead to a variety of sexual dysfunctions in men including premature ejaculation.
Everyone knows that using illegal drugs is bad for you, but many people think that the risks of using illegal drugs only involve the risk of addiction or the risk of death. There are other risks involved too, like the risk of developing sexual dysfunctions.
When men who use illegal drugs and abuse alcohol start to experience premature ejaculations the first thing to do is to stop using illegal drugs and to stop drinking alcohol. This can be difficult but it can clear up the dysfunction of premature ejaculation almost immediately. You will be shocked at how fast your sexual function will return when you stop using drugs and abusing alcohol.
All illegal drugs can lead to sexual dysfunctions like premature ejaculation, even drugs that are usually considered harmless like marijuana. There is no ‘safe’ illegal drug. Using illegal drugs is a bad idea for a lot of reasons but one of those reasons is because it can lead to serious sexual problems like premature ejaculation.
Not all drugs that cause premature ejaculations are illegal though. Many prescription medications that are prescribed by a doctor to treat health conditions can have a side effect of causing premature ejaculation or other sexual dysfunctions. This is especially true for drugs that are used to treat some disorders like depression, ADD, ADHD, and other conditions like that.
When your doctor prescribes you a drug to treat a medical condition be sure to ask if the drug has any known sexual side effects. If you are worried that the drug may cause premature ejaculation or another sexual dysfunction be sure to talk about your concern with the doctor. The doctor may be able to prescribe a different drug to help your condition that won’t have any sexual side effects or has a smaller chance of causing sexual side effects like premature ejaculation.
When you start taking a newly prescribed medication it is important that you begin watching for signs of side effects almost immediately. Even a small sign of a side effect or sexual dysfunction could be important when you are trying to figure out if the drug is going to be effective and work well for you or not so pay special attention to how your body reacts to the drug. Make sure you call your doctor if you start to have premature ejaculations or any other side effects.
You should also talk to your partner when you start a new drug so that your partner knows you might develop side effects from the drug. Your partner can help you by watching for side effects that you might miss and letting you know if it seems like you are having a sexual dysfunction like premature ejaculation. If your partner notices a problem you should definitely talk to your partner about it. Communication is the key to a good relationship.
News About Premature Ejaculation and Drugs
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