Is It Time To Move To A Residential Care Home
Is it Time to Move to a Residential Care Home?
It is one of the toughest decisions a family member must make and one that often times is as much an emotional as it is a medical one. Each situation is unique so there is no set pattern to follow in order to determine when the time is right to move to a care facility. Many persons shudder to think of placing a loved one into a nursing home or other assisted living facility but the truth is there are some very good ones that can be just the right place for your loved one. Here are some guidelines to help you decide when the time is right to consider moving to a care facility.
Ask yourself the following questions regarding your loved one:
Can they move around safely in their home in regards to getting up and down stairs, getting to and from the bathroom and around the rooms of the home?
Have they experienced frequent falls or required the assistance of a device like a cane or walker in order to remain mobile?
Are they in need of any safety equipment such as raised toilet frames, seats for the bathtub or other personal emergency devices?
Have any emergencies such as accidentally leaving the stove on, or forgetting to turn off water occurred recently?
If your loved one is a smoker have you noticed any bedding or clothing that has had burned holes in them?
In the case of an emergency such as a fire, tornado or hurricane do you believe that they would be able to get to safety?
Can they bathe, wash hair and complete other personal hygiene tasks such as shaving and oral care?
Can they dress, prepare meals and do daily household chores?
Are there available and qualified home care assistants in the area that can be hired to come into the home to help with tasks?
Can medications be taken as prescribed (proper dosage) without being missed?
Does your loved one feel safe at home?
Has there been any weight loss or dehydration incidence due to improper eating habits?
Are they capable of remembering appointments, and personal information like phone numbers and addresses?
If you are caring for them, have you experienced sleep deprivation or felt overly stressed with the responsibilities of caring for them?
Do you feel you have the support you need and the time to adequately care for them?
Is the time involved in caring for your loved one more than your family can handle?
Is your health at risk due to the demands of caring for your loved one?
Do you have the support you need from other family members or community members in caring for your loved one?
Answering yes to a few of these above questions does not necessarily mean that you are ready to move your loved one to a care facility. It may be that those that are answered by yes simply mean that you need to look for alternative solutions that address each individual issue that will allow them to remain at home longer. If, however you answer yes to the majority of the questions stated above than it is more likely that it is time to consider moving your loved one to a care facility that can better handle the issues facing your loved one.