How You Can Help The Elderly
How You Can Help the Elderly
Many elderly are determined to be independent, and going into a nursing home can be a sever blow to their self esteem. It may even lead to depression and physical illness. They may resent help and even push loved ones away.
You can make the transition a little easier if you know what to do. All you have to do is look for ways that you can make their lives easier without further taking away their independence. Here are some suggestions.
Computers may still be a “new” invention to some elderly. It can be confusing and difficult to use. If you have an old computer that still works that you no longer need, giving it to an elderly person and showing them how to use it can open up a whole new world to them. Teach them how to write, send, and receive emails. This can allow them to stay in contact with friends and family, especially the younger grandkids. You can also show them how to use the internet to research topics that they are interested, share pictures, join chat forums, and more. It can give someone how is bound to a nursing home a connection with the outside world.
One of the hardest things of aging is keeping up with things around the house, but at the same time having help come in can become quite expensive. If you know someone that is trying to stay in their own home instead of going to a nursing home, you can help out with the things around the house that may be difficult for them. Painting, gardening, landscaping, snow removal, or even taking out the trash can be a big help. You can also use this as an opportunity to sit and chat with them, or even take a meal over with you.
Exercise is important for people of all ages, though living in a nursing home can make it difficult to get out and about. Volunteer to take them for walks around the neighborhood. This will get them some much needed exercise, which can help keep them mobile, fresh air and sunlight, and give you a chance to converse.
Birds and butterflies can be a great source of entertainment for someone who only has a window or two to look out of. If your nursing home permits it, consider hanging a birdfeeder, hummingbird nectar, or butterfly-attracting flowers outside one of the windows. This can add both color and entertainment with minimal fuss.
In a nursing home, the holidays can be a particularly depressing time, especially for those seniors that no longer have family or have family that is too far away to visit. Since many nursing homes will allow you to decorate the rooms, consider taking over some decorations to spruce the place up. Find out what holidays they enjoy, and decorate accordingly. A small tabletop Christmas tree or Menorah is great for the winter holidays, you can get fresh flowers for Easter, or pumpkins and fall leaves for Thanksgiving. Window clings are also an easy, no-mess way to decorate a room, and will also stick to the glass in picture frames and on mirrors.
Remember that just because they are in a nursing home or homebound does not mean that the elderly do not enjoy the same things you do. Take some time to spend time with them, and you will find that it makes their transition a lot smoother.