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Chiropractic Care For Mans Best Friend

Chiropractic Care for Mans Best Friend

Not only humans can benefit from the treatment options available from chiropractor, but animals will be able to benefit as well. At this point in time, horses and dogs are common treated by specially trained veterinarians who have also undergone a course of study in animal chiropractics.

It is important to understand that treating an animal and treating a human with chiropractics are two entirely different approaches; thus, even the most gifted chiropractor with a human clientele will require additional training before beginning to treat animals. Another caveat to consider is the fact that for many humans chiropractic care is an alternative to established medicine, and many favor the use of holistic medicine as a whole. Yet for animals, veterinary care is a requirement that should not be negated in favor of chiropractic care. Instead, good chiropractic care can make a wonderful addition to the arsenal of tools available to your veterinarian!

Pet any dog and you will feel its spine underneath the fur. Watch your dog run and jump, and you can see some of the amazing twists and turns the pooch will make when chasing a Frisbee, stick, or simply a fly. Yet have you ever wondered if the animal’s spine could get out of whack – just like your own? If so, the short answer is “yes” and this is where the veterinary chiropractor comes in. If your dog suddenly walks oddly, it is probably because its body is trying to move in such a way as to avoid pain. Unlike humans, animals do not complain and they cannot pop pain pills, so they seek to move in such as way as to avoid the painful spasms of a torn muscle, ligament, or sprained joint. If you find that your dog is simply not moving the way it should, there might be an underlying reason. Here are some more symptoms that could indicate a spine that is out of alignment and needs help:

* Your dog walks with its tail tucked between its hind legs.

* As your dog is sitting or standing, its posture is different from usual.

* Your dog suddenly sits down gingerly rather than simply plopping down next to you.

* Your dog’s gait suddenly appears different; there are indicators of stiffness; the animal might be hopping at times rather than walking normally.

* Perhaps the most telling of all signs is a lameness that is not confined to one extremity but instead seems to be affecting different limbs at different times.

If you find that your dog is suffering thusly, you should alert your veterinary specialist – who ideally should also be trained in animal chiropractics – and who will work with your dog’s spine to bring it back into alignment. While there are no special gadgets available to hold your dog while the vet works on it, the animal will usually be standing under restraint while the spine is manipulated in such a manner as to coax the misaligned vertebra back into its spot. Soon, your animal will be its old self again.

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