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What Causes Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is one of the most common symptoms of damage to the ears. Tinnitus is that persistent “ringing in the ears” which rises and falls in volume throughout the day. It has been estimated that one in ten adults suffer from this condition to various degrees. People over 40 are more likely to experience this conduition which is often accompanied by some type of hearing loss.

The word Tinnitus originates from the Latin word “Tinnere” meaning “to ring”.

Medicine has divided the condition of Tinnitus into two major categories – objective and subjective. Subjective is more common.

Subjective Tinnitus - Subjective tinnitus can be heard by the patient, but cannot be heard by the doctor. The exact cause is uncertain, but there are two likely candidates suggested for the problem. These are:

    A malfunction of the cochlea (spiral tube within the ear) and/or specific damage to the hair cells on the organ of corti.

    Disturbed nerve signal transmission from the inner ear to the brain. The message from the ear is getting scrambled to some extent. This can be caused by a tumour growth on the vestibulocochlear nerve.

Objective Tinnitus - This form of tinnitus appears as a physical noise in the ear area. A doctor can hear it through a stethoscope. Or in some cases of constant pitched tinnitus, an implanted microphone and an amplifier are needed to register the sound. This condition is not a hearing defect as such, because an actual noise really does exist and is being transmitted to the brain. But the source of the noise is not the outside world... Problems that may be causing objective tinnitus include:

  • Physical wear and tear on the jaw (Temporomandibular joint) creates a roughness, which causes a noise to be made when the bones rub- when the jaw moves. The noise resembles grinding or growling sound.

  • Muscles in the roof the mouth go into periodic spasms. This generates vibrations in the skull. Typically these are registered by the ears as clicking or bumping noises.

  • The blood flow can be irregular in the ear region. In this situation, the noise experienced will be rhythmic, in time with the pulse. Aloing with noice may be a sense of pulsing, swishing or throbbing.

Other Specific Causes of Tinnitus

Menieres Disease (inner ear disorder) – The noise associated with Menieres Disease is normally low like a buzzing sound or a strong wind.

Reaction to certain drugs – Aspirin can cause temporary tinnitus, if taken in high doses, so can quinine and other anti-malaria drugs. There are many drugs which cause Tinnitus as a side effect, see Drugs That Cause Tinnitus.

Some strong diuretics – Your doctor will know about these drugs and take into account the risks involved. You should always discuss any prescription of drugs with your doctor and don’t stop taking medication without telling him or her.

Phantom Tinnitus – If the acoustic nerve has been damaged and the result is hearing loss, it is possible for any surviving nerve tissue to create a phantom noise. This "phantom noise" is interpreted by the the brain as some type of sound – even if someone is deaf.

Head Injuries – After a car accident some people start noticing a high pitched whine. This experience of tinnitus can be due to a direct head injury or due to the effects of whiplash.

Catarrh – Catarrh is a thick discharge of mucus and white blood cells caused by the swelling of the mucous membranes in the head normally in response to an infection. when the Eustachian tube becomes blocked with catarrh, this can cause problems with pressure in the middle ear. Usually, this form of tinnitus is temporary and will fade when the infection ends and the tube becomes clear.

Exposure to loud noise – An exposure to a loud or piercing noise can cause temporary or permanent tinnitus. Permanent tinnitus is more likely to occur, if exposure is over a long period of time. Examples of loud noise are:

  • Loud discos or live music concerts.

  • Aircraft noise (taking off or landing).

  • Firearms shooting.

  • Sirens and burglar alarms.

  • High pitched equipment like dentists drills.

Additional causes of Tinnitus as supplied by reiki healing spain include:   Arteriosclerosis – This disease has a strong effect on blood pressure. Tumour on the vestibulocochlear nerve – This tumor is often benign and can be removed by surgery. And Excessive ear wax in the outer ear canal - The excessive wax presses on the ear drum which results in tinnitus.

About the Author:  Scott Harker is the publisher of several websites including: Autism _ Breaking The Silence, Diabetes - Diet Cures, Harvest The Sun, Tarot Card Services, and On The Hook | Alaska Fishing Vacations.

News About Causes of Tinnitus

Cochlear nerve damage associated with tinnitus  National Institutes of Health

New thinking about tinnitus  Harvard Health

Tinnitus: Are you hearing crickets?  Mayo Clinic Health System

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