Where To Buy Sherlock Holmes Pastiches and
A Love of Sherlock Holmes Pastiches
A friend of mine in High School was the first of our clique to get a paperback copy of
Sherlock Holmes's War of the Worlds by Manly W. Wellman and his son, Wade Wellman.
This novel tells how Holmes and Professor Challenger teamed up to fight the invasion of
Martians in England. The book is not only a Sherlock Holmes pastiche, but a pastiche of H.G.
Wells's War of the Worlds.
My friend let me read the book, of course, but it was still his copy and
I was envious. That was the genesis of my desire to gather my own Sherlock Holmes library, a task
that I am still pursuing after 25 years.
I began to haunt bookstores, purchasing books new when I could afford it and used copies when
money was tight. Often the only copy of a particular pastiche I could find was on a used bookstore shelf.
The Internet has changed my purchasing habits, although I still get to Borders or Barnes & Noble
on a regular basis. (Ebay has made Used Bookstores a rarity.)
I have gathered up several links to make it easier for you to find Sherlock Holmes Pastiches
and Memorabilia.
From the Journal of Dr. Watson, 1925
Holmes always considered me to be a lady's man and it was true. I had a certain charm and rugged
handsomeness, but he never discovered my true secret. (Or if he did, his apathy towards women never
let him broach the subject.)
To explain: during my brief passage through India as a young Army Surgeon, I happened to save the
life of an Indian Fakir. As a small gesture, the Indian mystic gave me a small glass vial containing,
he said, "A love potion. Dab it sparringly on your face and arms - the women will flock to you."
I placed the vial in my kit and forgot about it. Soon afterward I was in Afganistan, wounded,
convalesed and out of the Army. The general public knows of my days after that and how I met up with
Sherlock Holmes.
It was in those first few months of sharing rooms with Holmes that I came across the Fakir's
glass vial in my things. Somehow it had survived my more recent harrowing events. It was one of many
evenings when a great lonliness invaded me. I was not yet deepy involved with Holmes's adventures and
was often on my own. I decided to give the "love potion" a try. Dabbing the liquid lighty on
my face and arms, I went out for a night on the town. The ladies were very much attentive that evening,
very much so!
The love potion worked. I hoarded the contents, knowing the likelihood of obtaining more of the
liquid was slim. It was sometime after Mary's death, that I asked a chemist friend of Holmes to analyze
the remaining drops that I had left. The chemist identified the liquid as an organic mixture containing
amongst other things some kind of pheromone - the scents that animals (and people) use as a sexual
attractent. He was able to synthesize a quantity of the love potion for me and did so as requested over
the years until his scandulous death in a brothel. (A tale I may one day write up.)
"Yes, Holmes, I was a lady's man - charming, handsome and with a secret weapon."
