Sherlock Holmes and the Egyptian Hall Adventure
Andrews, Val
Breese Books 1993
Trade paperback
A taste of Sir A. C. Doyle
Sherlock Holmes and the Eminent Thespian
Andrews, Val
Ian Henry 1988
Hardback with dustjacket
Enjoyable yarn.
Sherlock Holmes and the Greyfriars School Mystery
Andrews, Val
Breese Books 1997
Trade Paperback
When a manuscript goes missing, the headmaster of the Greyfriars School asks for Watson's help in getting Sherlock Holmes to investigate. Interesting look at school life.
Sherlock Holmes and the Houdini Birthright
Andrews, Val
Breese Books 1995
Trade paperback
The death of Houdini cleared up!
Sherlock Holmes and the Longacre Vampire
Andrews, Val
Breese Books 2001
Trade Paperback
Sir Henry Irving is portraying Bram Stoker's Dracula on stage when a series of Vampiric looking murders occur, enter Sherlock Holmes. Andrews as done better work.
Sherlock Holmes and the Man Who Lost Himself
Andrews, Val
Breese 1997
Trade paperback
Sherlock Holmes and Watson help to rescue an experimental airplane. So-so story.
Sherlock Holmes and the Sandringham House Mystery
Andrews, Val
Breese Books 1998
Trade Paperback
Holmes and Watson in disguise must recover a stolen painting at the summer house of the King and thwart a German spy.
Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Seven
Andrews, Val
Breese 2001
Hardback with dustjacket
Another solid read from Andrews.
Sherlock Holmes and the Theatre of Death
Andrews, Val
Breese 1997
Trade Paperback
Another solid story by Andrews as Holmes and Watson resolve a mystery in 1911.
Sherlock Holmes and the Tomb of Terror
Andrews, Val
Breese Books 2000
Trade Paperback
Sherlock Holmes and Watson face the trials of the Saharan Desert as well the dangers of being entrapped in an Egyptian tomb. Good stuff.
Sherlock Holmes and the Yule-Tide Mystery
Andrews, Val
Breese Books 1996
Trade Paperback
Holmes and Watson are invited to a Christmas house part in Sussex. An enjoyable time is being had by all until an horrific event occurs...
Sherlock Holmes at the Varieties
Andrews, Val
Breese Books 2000
Trade Paperback
An evening of entertainment at the Varieties for Holmes and Watson turns into a baffling mystery when the theatre appears to be haunted...
Sherlock Holmes on the Western Front
Andrews, Val
Breese 2000
Trade Paperback
Sherlock Holmes and Watson do some undercover work during World War One. Well done story .
Sherlock Holmes Through Time And Space
Asimov, Isaac; Greenberg, Martin Harry & Waugh, Charles, Editors
Bluejay Books October 1984
Hardback with dustjacket
Marvelous Stories
In The Dead of Winter
Baker, Abbey Pen
St. Martin's Press 1994
Hardback with dustjacket.
The daughter of Sherlock Holmes and Irene Adler takes center stage here solving a mystery in America. Holmes and Watson make a cameo appearance at end of book. Semi-readable, I skipped a few pages.
R. Holmes & Co.
Bangs, John Kendrick
Otto Penzler Books 1994
Good read.
Sherlock Holmes of Baker Street, A Life of the World's First Consulting Detective
Baring-Gould, William S.
Bramhall House 1962
Hardback with dustjacket
A Classic Biography of Sherlock Holmes!
The Federation Holmes
Batory, Dana Martin
Battered Silicon Dispatch Box 2001
Hardback with dustjacket
Holmes & Watson surface in the world of Star Trek solving crimes for the Federation & individuals. No real use of Star Trek Characters. Amusing.
The Glendower Conspiracy, A Memoir of Sherlock Holmes from the Papers of Edward Porter Jones, His Late Assistant
Biggle, Jr. Lloyd
Council Oak Books 1990
Hardback with dustjacket
Interesting Slant & Style as a new biographer (not Watson) tells the tale.
The Quallsford Inheritance, A Memoir of Sherlock Holmes from the Papers of Edward Porter Jones, His Late Assistant
Biggle, Jr. Lloyd
St. Martin's Press 1986
Hardback with dustjacket
Good Read.
The Sherlock Holmes Cartoon Book
Bilgrey, Marc
Cuckoo Bird Press 1981
Trade paperback
Funny collection of one per page cartoons about Holmes & Watson.
The Case of the Baker Street Irregulars
Boucher, Anthony
Carroll & Graf 1986
Great Read about members of a Sherlock Holmes club who solves a murder.
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Original Radio Broadcasts
Boucher, Anthony & Green, Denis
Simon & Schuster Audio
Audio Book - 4 Cassettes
8 half-hour broadcasts of Sherlock Holmes radio show starring Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce from the 1940s. Good stuff.
The Giant Rat Of Sumatra
Boyer, Richard L.
The Armchair Detective Library 1991
Hardback with dustjacket
An enjoyable read about this unchronicled adventure.
A Sherlockian Quartet
Boyer, Rick
Alexander Books 1998
Trade paperback
This quartet consists of one novel - A reprint of (The Giant Rat of Sumatra) and three shorter Sherlock Holmes stories, which are okay.
Sherlock Holmes and the Mysterious Friend of Oscar Wilde
Brown, Russell A.
St. Martin's Press 1988
Hardback with dustjacket
An enjoyable read where Holmes & Watson interact Oscar Wilde and other elements of Wilde's society.
The Man From Beyond
Brownstein, Gabriel
Norton 2000
Hardback with dustjacket
A collection of Sherlock Holmes stories where Holmes uses principles of statistical mathematics
and economics to solve the mysteries. Interesting, if not the best plotted stories.
Conned Again, Watson
Bruce, Colin
Perseus Publishing 2005
Hardback with dustjacket
Another of the many Sherlock Holmes pastiches where Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is the protaganist along with
Harry Houdini. Doyle is lecturing in America where Houdini is performing and promoting his latest film. The two
interact over Spiritualism, attending a strange seance together. A female reporter interviews them both as we follow her life... This is more of
a mainstream novel than a mystery, but still of interest.
The Strange Cases of Mrs. Hudson's Cat and Other Science Mysteries Solved by
Sherlock Holmes
Bruce, Colin
Addison Wesley 1997
Hardback with dustjacket
A collection of Sherlock Holmes stories where Holmes must come to understand the
principles of modern physics to solve the mysteries. Good and readable.
The Haunting of Torre Abbey
Bugge, Carole
St. Martins Minotaur 2000
Hardback with dustjacket
Holmes and Watson go to a solve a mystery about a ghost haunted mansion (once an Abbey). Better at half the length, guessed the villain, but was readable.
Dreamweaver's Dilemma
Bujold, Lois McMaster
Nesfa Press 1995
Trade paperback
Collection of stories which includes a Sherlock Holmes pastiche which was enjoyable. Rest of the stories were fine, I would read more by author.
Burr, Robert C.; Editor
The Hansoms of John Clayton May 1988
Trade paperback
Magazine devoted to Sherlock Holmes
Curious Incidents, Being a Collection of the Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Campbell, J. R. & Prepolic, Charles, Ed. by
Mad for a Mystery 2002
Trade Paperback
A nice collection of pastiches by a variety of authors.
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, A Medical Digression
Campbell, Maurice, O.B.E., D.M., F.R.C.P.
Magico Magazine 1983
Trade paperback
Non-fiction booklet about the medical aspects of the Canon.
Pulptime, Being A Singular Adventure of Sherlock Holmes, H. P. Lovecraft and the
Kalem Club, As if Narrated by Frank Belknap Long, Jr.
Cannon, P.H.
Weirdbook Press 1984
Trade Paperback
Excellent Bookcover, Great Read where Holmes, Lovecraft and author Long, Jr. interact to solve a
The Italian Secretary
Carr, Caleb
Carroll & Graf 2005
Hardback with dustjacket
To protect Queen Victoria, Holmes and Watson travel to Holyrood Palace in Scotland to investigate the
ghost of the Italian Secretary of Mary Queen of Scots... Pretty good story.
The Adventure of the Dead Rabbits Society
Carraher, Philip J.
1stBooks 2001
Trade Paperback
During the missing years, Sherlock Holmes goes to New York, where, under the alias of
Simon Hawkes, Holmes continues to solve mysteries. In this case, Holmes (Hawkes)
must discover why a murderer continues to fail in his attempts to murder his client.
Reasonable read.
Alias Simon Hawkes, Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes in New York
Carraher, Philip J.
1stBooks 2002
Trade Paperback
Continuing where Dead Rabbits Society, leaves off, Sherlock Holmes stays in New York, where, under the alias of
Simon Hawkes, Holmes solves four more mysteries. Some good deductions, good plots.
Reasonable read.
The Final Solution, A Story of Detection
Chabon, Michael
4th Estate 2004
Hardback with dustjacket
During World War 11, Sherlock Holmes is an old, frail man He musters the energy to investigate the
theft of a parrot who speaks in German perhaps in code...
The Commodore At Sea
Chancler, A. Bertram
ACE 1979
Sherlock Holmes appears in about two paragraphs in a fantasy type scene on a planet. Not really a
Sherlock Holmes pastiche, but good Sci-Fi story anyway.

more baker street ballads
charles e. lauterbach
The Sciolist Press October 1979
Trade paperback
Interesting collection of poems about the Canon.
The Elementary Cases of Sherlock Holmes
Charnock, Ian
Breese 1999
Trade Paperback
A delightful collection of stories told by "Young" Stamford in the early days of Holmes's career before Watson.
Sherlock Holmes's Personal Journals, Six Short Stories
Cirone, Nino
The Battered Silicon Dispatch Box 2001
Trade paperback
Six great Sherlock Holmes stories told in the first person by Holmes. Holmes reveals inner thoughts that reflect his deductions, observations and actions.
John Cleese in The Strange Case of the End of Civilization As We Know It
Cleese, John and others
Whitestar 1977
VIDEO. 55 Minutes.
In this comedy, Cleese (of Monty Python fame) plays the bungling grandson of Sherlock Holmes and must capture Moriarty before he takes over the world.
The Truthful Lady
Clouston, J. Storer
Magico Magazine
Trade paperback
16 Page Booklet telling a Sherlock Holmes story
The Dossier of Solar Pons
Cooper, Basil
Acadamy Chicago Publishers 1987
Good Stuff . Several stories - continues the Sherlock Holmes pastiche of Solar Pons created by August Derluth.
Cooke, Garet
I-Universe 2002
Trade Paperback
Collection of Fantasy short stories which contains the Sherlock Holmes pastiche - The Adventure of the Santa Clews - which is one of the weaker stories. Some of the stories including one about Attila the Hun and werewolves are pretty good.
The Reluctant Agent
Cooper-Posey, Tracy
Ravenstone 2001
Trade paperback
Sherlock Holmes in WWI as an agent in Turkey. Very enjoyable.
The Real World of Sherlock Holmes, The True Crimes Investigated by Arthur Conan Doyle
Costello, Peter
Carroll & Graf 1991
Trade paperback
Doyle uses his own Sherlock Holmes-like skills to investigate real crimes and help the innocent. Fascinating.
An East Wind Coming
Cover, Arthur Bryon
Berkeley 1979
Science Fiction novel where an immortal Sherlock Holmes must stop a series of murders. A difficult read where authors world is hard to grasp.
A Slight Trick of the Mind
Cullin, Mitch
Doubleday 2005
Hardback with dustjacket
Unusual novel about Sherlock Holmes in his old age just after World War II. His memory is getting glitchy... Interesting novel.
The Curse of the Nibelung
D'Agneau, Marcel
Arlington Books 1981
Hardback with dust jacket 1st Brit Ed.
Holmes/Watson are in their 80's, WWII has just started and W. Churchill sends them on a secret mission to Germany. Got better as book progressed. Enjoyable.
Sherlock Holmes' Last Case
D'Artagnan, Robert
Xlibris Corp 2001
Trade paperback Unknown edition -printed one copy at a time...
Fine Story. Holmes & Watson in 1908 help Sigmund Freud and explain Holmes' missing three years after Reichenbach falls...
The Scroll of the Dead
Davies, David Stuart
Calabash Press 1998
Trade paperback
Slightly better than average SH story.
Two Stories About Sherlock Holmes
De Weese, Gene and Murray, Stephen
Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine January 1996, Dell Magazine
Paperback (magazine)
Annually, Ellery Queen Magazine does some Sherlock Holmes pastiches
#3 The Memoirs of Solar Pons
Derleth, August
Pinnacle Books February 1975
Derleth wrote a series of pastiches, (Solar Pons being Sherlock Holmes) patterned after the original canon. These were printed in several volumes. While not exactly having the Master's (Dolye's) touch, they are quite enjoyable. Short stories.
#4 The Casebook of Solar Pons
Derleth, August
Pinnacle Books May 1976
Derleth wrote a series of pastiches, (Solar Pons being Sherlock Holmes) patterned after the original canon. These were printed in several volumes. While not exactly having the Master's (Dolye's) touch, they are quite enjoyable. Short stories
#7 Mr. Fairlie's Final Journey
Derleth, August
Pinnacle Books May 1976
Derluth wrote a series of pastiches, (Solar Pons being Sherlock Holmes) patterned after the original canon. These were printed in several volumes. While not exactly having the Master's (Dolye's) touch, they are quite enjoyable. Novel.
Chronicles of Solar Pons
Derleth, August
Mycroft & Moran 1973
Hardback with dustjacket
Derluth wrote a series of pastiches, (Solar Pons being Sherlock Holmes) patterned after the original canon. These were printed in several volumes. While not exactly having the Master's (Dolye's) touch, they are quite enjoyable. Short stories.
The Last Sherlock Holmes Story
Dibdin, Michael
Ballantine Books May 1979
Well written story where Holmes solves the mystery of Jack the Ripper who is... Controversial ending and thankfully not the last Sherlock Holmes story written. A great number of Sherlock Holmes pastiches have been published since1979!
Sherlock Holmes: Mysteries of the Victorian Age
DiLisio, Rock
i-Universe 2002
Trade Paperback
Collection of stories where Holmes uses his knowledge of science and biology to solve the mysteries. Pretty good.
The D Case or The Truth About the Mystery of Edwin Drood
Dickens, Charles; Frutterro, Carlo & Lucentini, Franco; Translated from the Italian by Gregory Dowling
Harcourt Brace & Co. 1993
Trade paperback
A group of detectives including Holmes and Watson meet in Italy to solve the Dicken's mystery of Edwin Drood. Enjoyable
Chapel Noir
Douglas, Carole Nelson
Forge 2001
Hardback with dustjacket
Irene Adler and companions plus Sherlock Holmes face off against Jack the Ripper and the cult behind him in Paris. Book one of two.
Good Morning, Irene
Douglas, Carole Nelson
Tor May 1992
Carole Douglas has written a series of novels featuring Irene Adler or "The Woman." In each novel Adler and Holmes interact at some point as mysteries get solved. Her Holmes is very good.
Good Night, Mr. Holmes
Douglas, Carole Nelson
Tor 1990
Hardback with dustjacket
First of the Adler novels.
Irene's Last Waltz
Douglas, Carole Nelson
Forge November 1994
Hardback with dustjacket
Adler novel. A little wordy, but great Sherlock Holmes delineation.
The Exploits of Sherlock Holmes
Doyle, Adrian Conan & Carr, John Dickson
Barnes & Noble Books 1992
Hardback with dustjacket.
A Collection of Sherlock Holmes Adventures based on Unsolved cases from the Original Stories. Delightfully reminiscent of Sir Arthur.
Sir Nigel
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
Wordsworth Classics 1994
Trade paperback
Not Holmes. The pre-quel to The White Company (written years after The White Company) which tells of how Sir Nigel became a knight. Somewhat wordy, but very enjoyable. If you have only read the Holmes stories by Doyle you are missing out. His non-Holmes stories are just as good reading.
Tales of Terror and Mystery
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
Doubleday 1977
Hardback with dustjacket
Not Holmes, but other great stories by the Master.
The Maracot Deep
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
Norton 1929, 1968
Hardback; no dustjacket
Not a Sherlock Holmes story, but a readable science fiction novel by Doyle about a city under the Atlantic. Nice afternoon read.
The Final Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan edited by Haining, Peter
Barnes & Noble Books 1993
Hardback with dustjacket
Stories written by Doyle that have a relationship to Holmes or Holmes-like characters. A delightful addition to the Canon.
The Speckled Band, A Glow in the Dark Book
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
St. Martin's Press 1987
Hardback with dustjacket
Children's Book. The classic Holmes story with illustrations by Dean Morrissey, that glow in the dark! A novelty edition.
Wishbone: The Hound of the Baskervilles
Inspired by Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
Big Feats Entertainment 1995
PBS's Wishbone the TV dog recreates the role of Sherlock Holmes. 30 minutes.
Against The Brotherhood
Fawcett, Quinn
FORGE 1997
Hardback with dustjacket
A Mycroft Holmes novel - well realized. Enjoyable read as Mycroft Holmes and his secretary square off against a Secret Society.
Embassy Row
Fawcett, Quinn
FORGE 1998
Hardback with dustjacket
The second Mycroft Holmes novel by this author -while I enjoyed the first novel in this series - I could not finish this one, stopping around page 88 where I learned again that the mystery revolved around the Japanese ambassador. Something I was originally told around page 2...
NOTE: I listened to this book on DVD and was able to get through it. Still pretty repetitive and Mycroft Holmes is not as inciteful as he should be...
The Case of the Revolutionist's Daughter, Sherlock Holmes Meets Karl Marx
Feuer, Lewis S.
Prometheus Books 1983
Hardback with dustjacket
Readable, but pedantic look at the world surrounding Karl Marx in London.
The Memoirs of Schlock Homes, A Bagel Street Dozen
Fish, Robert L.
Bobbs-Merrill 1974
Hardback with dustjacket
A collection of humourous stories as this Sherlock Holmes parody, Schlock Homes, manages to solve the mysteries despite himself. Good stuff.
Flashman and the Tiger
Fraser, George MacDonald
Knopf 2000
Hardback with dustjacket
Fraser has written several novels about a British officer and scoundrel named Flashman who seems to have been at all of the most important historical battles and events of the 19th century. He was at the Charge of the Light Brigade, Harper's Ferry, etc. This book contains three unsequential stories about Flashman including a Sherlock Holmes pastiche featuring Moran and the Empty House.
Druid's Blood
Friesner, Esther M.
Signet 1988
Fantasy novel where magic rules Queen Victoria's Britain and Sherlock Holmes & Watson-like characters must find the Magic Rule book and save the Queen -Good read.
The 6 Messiahs
Frost, Mark
William Morrow 1995
Hardback with dustjacket.
This is a Sherlock Holmes pastiche where Arthur Conan Doyle is the protagonist. Doyle and a Sherlock Holmes-like British agent are in America where they fight against a mystic cult... A sequel to "The List of 7" and I think a better read
The List of 7
Frost, Mark
William Morrow & Co. 1993
Hardback with dustjacket
This is a Sherlock Holmes pastiche where Arthur Conan Doyle is the protagonist. Doyle and a Sherlock Holmes-like British agent face an evil brotherhood which is threatening England... Good Read
Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Three Dragons
Fullenkamp, Luke Steven
1st Books Library 2000
Trade paperback, Book printed on demand.
Story okay, but woeful characterization of the Holmes - Watson relationship.
Sherlock Holmes and the Ghost of the Flying Dutchman
Fullenkamp, Luke Steven
1st Books 2001 Trade paperback, Book printed on demand.
This Sherlock Holmes novel that could have been cut down to a so-so short story. Oh, well...
The Return of Moriarty
Gardner, John
Berkley September 1981
Professor James Moriarty did not die at Riechenbach Falls, but returns to do more mischief. Written from Moriarty's point of view. Interesting Stuff.
The Revenge of Moriarty
Gardner, John Berkley March, 1978
A sequel to The Return of Moriarty, this novel continues Moriarty's vendetta against Holmes. A good read. Note: John Gardner eventually wrote several James Bond pastiches...
Elementary, My Dear Groucho
Goulart, Ron
St. Martin's 1999
Hardback with dustjacket
Story where Groucho Marx solves a murder before an Actor playing Sherlock Holmes does. Okay, almost funny, but the author is Goulart of whom I am not too fond...
The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Green, Richard Lancelyn
Penguin 1985
Good collection of Sherlock Holmes Pastiches, although most have been printed elsewhere.
Ghosts In Baker Street
Greenberg, Martin; Lellenberg, Jon & Stashower, Daniel, editors
Carroll & Graf 2006
Trade Paperback
Collection of pastiches where Holmes and Watson take on Ghosts and other supernatural entities. Some good stories, but the theme could have been better exploited.
Holmes for the Holidays
Greenberg, Martin H., Lellenberg, Jon L. and Waugh, Carol-Lynn, Editors
Berkley 1996
Hardback with dustjacket
One Great story, most of stories are weak (Or I have become jaded, nahhhh)
More Holmes for the Holidays
Greenberg, Martin H., Lellenberg, Jon L. and Waugh, Carol-Lynn, Editors
Berkley 1999
Hardback with dustjacket
Better stories than the previous collection of Christmas related Sherlock Holmes stories.
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Original Stories by Eminent Mystery Writers, Centennial Edition
Greenberg, Martin Harry & Waugh, Carol-Lynn Rossel, Editors
Carroll & Graf1987
Hardback with dustjacket
Good Stories
Detection by Gaslight, 14 Victorian Detective Stories
Greene, Douglas C.
Dover 1997
Trade paperback
Not Holmes, but detectives stories published at the same time Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes were originally published. Some good, some predictable.
The Lost Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Based on the Original Radio Plays by Denis Green & Anthony Boucher
Greenwald, Ken
Barnes & Noble 1993
Hardback with dustjacket.
Adapted from a 1940's Sherlock Holmes Radio Program starring Basil Rathbone, stories are a little simplistic, but fun.
Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Raleigh Legacy
Greenwood, L. B.
St. Martin's Press1986
Good Read.
Sherlock Holmes and the Case of Sabina Hall
Greenwood, L.B.
Simon and Schuster1988
Hardback with dustjacket
The best one of the three pastiches by this author
Sherlock Holmes and the Thistle of Scotland
Greenwood, L.B.
Pocket Books August 1990
Good Read
Sherlock Holmes and the Frightened Golfer
Gregson, J.M.
Breese 1999
Trade paperback
Guessed the villain, but still a readable book. Sherlock Holmes and Watson solve a mystery regarding a golfer and golf...
Dragons on the Town
Gunnarsson, Thorarinn
ACE 1992
Story about alternate worlds of magic and dragons. Sherlock Holmes was in it, in some alternate world, but I didn't read that far... boring...
The Sherlock Homes Scrapbook
Haining, Peter
Brambell House 1974
Hardback with dustjacket
Interesting reference book showing pictures and artwork of Holmes and Watson appearing in magazines, on book covers, etc.
Sherlock Holmes and the Abbey School Mystery
Hall, John
Breese 2001
Trade paperback
Okay story where Watson takes center stage through most of the story.
Sherlock Holmes and the Adler Papers
Hall, John
Breese 2001
Trade paperback
Okay story although rushed pacing and it has a disagreeable ending. Holmes helps Irene again with the King of Bohemia.
Sherlock Holmes and the Disgraced Inspector
Hall, John
Breese 1998
Trade paperback
Sherlock Holmes helps Inspector Lestrade. Fine story.
Sherlock Holmes and the Telephone Murder Mystery
Hall, John
Breese 1998
Trade paperback
Readable, but nothing exciting.
The Travels of Sherlock Holmes
Hall, John
Breese 1997
Trade Paperback
Another novel based upon the time when Holmes went missing for three years after the Reichenbach Falls. Holmes becomes involved in the Great Game for the British Empire.
Exit Sherlock Holmes
Hall, Robert Lee
Playboy Press March 1979
No comment, I have to reread this one.
The Complete Casebook of Herlock Sholmes
Hamilton, Charles
Hawk Books 1989
Hardback with dustjacket
Funny collection of Sherlock Holmes parodies!
My Life With Sherlock Holmes, Conversations in Baker Street
Hamilton, J. R.
Hawthorn Books 1976
Trade paperback
Dr. Watson's biography which tells of his life with Sherlock Holmes. Great Fun
My Dear Holmes
Hammer, David L.
Gasogene Books 2003
Trade Paperback
Collection of stories steeped in Victorian stylism - Holmes and Watson solving various mysteries. Needed a better editor and a Holmes with better defined deductions.
The Whitechapel Horrors
Hanna, Edward B.
Carroll & Graf 1992
Hardback with dustjacket
Another Sherlock Holmes and Jack the Ripper story, Enjoyable read.
Prisoner of the Devil, Sherlock Holmes and the Dreyfus Case
Hardwick, Michael
Proteus 1980
Hardback with dustjacket
Many points of interest, although a little slow reading as Holmes investigates the historical case which involves an innocent man sentenced to Devil's Island.
Sherlock Holmes, My Life and Crimes
Hardwick, Michael
An Owl Book 1986
Trade paperback
Quite Good, The Thoughts & Words of Sherlock Holmes, his biography.
The Revenge of the Hound
Hardwick, Micheal
Villard Books 1987
Hardback with dustjacket
Good Read mystery related to the Hound of the Baskervilles...
Sherlock Holmes and the Fall River Tragedy
Haskell, Owen
Lazarus Press March 1997
Trade Paperback
Enjoyable little novel
Sherlock Holmes, The Diseappearing Prince and Other Stories
Hastie, Edmund
Breese 2000
Trade Paperback
Amatuerish Sherlock Holmes stories from a 14-year-old. Kudos to the author for being published, shame on Breese for asking me to pay for this book.
The Case of the Invisible Thief, A Baker Street Mystery
Haughey, Thomas Brace
Bethany Fellowship, Inc. 1978
Sherlock Holmes Parody. Geoffrey, a Christian detective, and his sidekick, Weston solve an impossible theft at a secret research laboratory using "logic" and faith...
The King Edwad Plot
Hall, Robert Lee
McGraw Hill 1989
Hardback with dustjacket
Former Baker Street Irregular, Wiggins is featured in this pastiche, other new characters fill in for Holmes and Watson. Did not finish the book...
Atlantic Monthly 1994
Hardback with dustjacket
This Sherlock Holmes pastiche is in the A.C. Doyle as protaganist genre. Arthur Conan Doyle is touring America, is haunted by the Ghost of Edgar Allen Poe, teams with Houdini to solve a series of murders....
Two Stores About Sherlock Holmes
Hoch, Edward D. and Richardson, Robert
Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine January 1995, Dell Magazine
Paperback (Magazine)
Another issue commemorating Holmes's February birthday with 2 stories
Seventeen Steps To 221 B
Holroyd, James Edward, Editor
Otto Penzler 1996
Set of essays about Holmes, good reading, interesting stuff,
Elementary, Mrs. Hudson
Hosier, Sydney
Avon April1996
Mrs. Hudson solves mysteries... Written in the "Woman's Book" mode, skipped to the end.
My Name is Paris: Mystery of the Magician
Howard, Elizabeth
Random House 1987
Hardback; no dustjacket
Readable. Juvenile book, where heroine wishes to be like Sherlock Holmes, but isn't. Set in the early 1900's. Barely Sherlock Holmes related.
Bunnicula Strikes Again!
Howe, James
Scholastic 1999
Trade paperback.
Juvenile novel that barely references the Doyle story of Moriarty and Holmes fighting at Reichenbach Falls, which places this book here, but not really Holmes related. Rather uninteresting story, for an adult, at least.
The Bacchus Club Mystery
Howell, Wayne
Kylix Media Inc. 1991
Trade Paperback
A delightful little novel where a variety of wines and wine knowledge are incorporated into the plot.
The Sunken Treasure
Jackson, Marian
J. A. Walker 1994
Hardback with dustjacket
Heroine Miss Danforth strives to be a detective like Sherlock Holmes. Book started, but not finished...
A Duel with the Devil
Jaynes, Roger
Breese 2003
Hardback with dustjacket
Three Sherlock Holmes stories featuring Holmes & Watson battling Moriarty a couple of years befor Reichenbach Falls. Good stuff.
Murder Most Irregular, Concerning The Baker St. Irregulars
Jeffers, H. Paul
St. Martin's Press 1983
Hardback with dustjacket
Most Enjoyable
The Case of the Scarlet Woman, Sherlock Holmes and the Occult
Jones, Watkin
Greenwich Exchange 1999
Trade Paperback
Watson tells of three related cases where the occult world of the Golden Dawn creates mysteries for Sherlock Holmes.
The Howard Hughes Affair
Kaminsky, Stuart
St. Martin's Press 1979
Hardback with dustjacket
A Toby Peters novel. Kaminsky has written a series of Toby Peters mysteries about private detective Peters whose cases involve Hollywood stars of the late1930's and 1940's. Book is included here because Basil Rathbone is Peters' client and Rathbone does some Sherlock Holmes-like deductions. Good stuff. I recommend all of Kaminsky's work.
The Game Is Afoot, Parodies, Pastiches and Ponderings of Sherlock Holmes
Kaye, Marvin, Editor
St. Martin's Press April 1994
Hardback with dustjacket.
A nice collection of stories. Good Read.
Resurrected Holmes
Kaye, Marvin, editor
St. Martin's Press 1996
Hardback with dustjacket
Anthology of Sherlock Holmes stories where the stories are written in the style of famous authors: H. G. Wells, Edgar Rice Buroughs, Jack Kerouac, Rex Stout, etc.