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Autism - What Causes Autism?

"What causes Autism?" is a question every doctor hears, when they tell a parent their child is Autistic. There is no one definite answer to this question. There are several theories on what causes Autism.

Some of the causes of Autism are thought to be genetic. Doctors suspect that there are several genes that induce Autism, but they have yet to be located. Still they feel that some people are born with a predisposition to be Autistic. Children in this category then encounter some kind of environmental trigger and they become Autistic.

Statistics on this disease indicate that Autism is more common in boys than in girls.

Some studies show a connection to environmental factors and Autism. Many scientists think that pollution and toxins in the air can contribute to a child having Autism. Studies have revealed that small towns with high cases of Autism have one thing in common, a local pollution source. Usually this source is a factory of some sort that routinely releases a high concentration of toxins and chemicals into the atmosphere.

A majority of people believe Autism can be caused by the Mercury, or Thimersal (ethyl mercury) contained in early vaccinations. This belief maybe due to the fact that Doctors began diagnosing Autism in earnest about the same time as widespread early child vaccinations began.

There have been a variety of studies conducted concerning the relationship between vaccines and children becoming Autistic. As of the writing of this article, there has been no evidence to support the connection between vaccinating your child and Autism.

Yet many parents are weighing the risks for their children to not be given the vaccinations, as they remain concerned about this possiblity of "Mercury poisoning." Note that more and more vaccines for children do not contain Thermisal or the trace amounts of mercury in these shots have been reduced. So requesting vaccines that do not contain Thimersal is a viable option. Certainly you should check with your Doctor about the health risks associated with any shots or medications given to your children.

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General concern about Mercury contamination and Autism needs to be maintained. Researchers have shown that children who are exposed to high levels of Mercury are more likely to develop Autism. High levels of Mercury can be contributed to eating a lot of fish and/or exposure to industrial emissions. Coal burning power plants release Mercury into the air, for example.

Scientists also think there could be a connection between pregnant women being exposed to Mercury and their children having Autism. One possible source for Mercury in pregnant women is the amalgam silver used to fill cavities by dentist. These metal fillings contain Mercury that could leach out into the rest of the body, entering the woman's bloodstream and thus reaching the unborn child. It may be prudent to have any such fillings replaced with other materials before getting pregnant.

There are new, ongoing studies that are testing pregnant women to see how much Mercury is in their systems. And then testing the babies at birth for their Mercury levels. Babies with high Mercury levels will then be monitored over the years, to see if they develop Autism or any other unusual health problems.

There are other possible causes of Autism. Another theory is that Autism is due to an underlying health issue. Certain diseases make a child more likely to become Autistic. Some of these diseases include Fragile X syndrome, a genetic disorder where a gene that makes an important protein is turned off. The results are retardation and sometimes Autism. In fact, it is now thought that between 2% and 6% of all children diagnosed with Autism, the cause is the Fragile X gene mutation.

Another suspected source of Autism is congenital Rubella. Congenital rubella syndrome occurs when a pregnant women catches the Rubella virus (German Measles) in the earlier stages of her pregnancy and the fetus also contracts Rubella in the womb. A variety of serious medical conditions may result from this exposure for the child including Autism.

Others believe Autism is caused by a metabolic imbalance.

Exploding a Myth:  It was once thought that Autism was caused by an early emotional trauma. Many experts also thought bad parenting was to blame. Doctors tried to blame mothers for not giving their children enough attention and love. These theories have been found untrue.

Much more research is needed to identify the true cause or, more likely, multiple causes of Autism. As more definitive answers are found as to what causes a child to be Autistic, new treatments to prevent and cure Autism will arise.

Remember though, the possible causes in this article are just theories, your individual observations and feedback on your Autistic child are valid and useful. Much can NOW be done to improve the condition of an Autistic child towards leading a normal and amazing life.

About the Author:  Scott Harker is the publisher of several websites including: Sherlock Holmes Pastiches, Harvest The Sun | Renewable Energy, Coin Collector's Dream, Dieting Help | Move More - Eat Less, and On The Hook | Fishing Supplies.

News about The Causes of Autism

Maternal infection’s link to autism may be a mirage  The Transmitter: Neuroscience News and Perspectives

FactCheck.org: Kennedy Cites Flawed Paper in Bid to Justify Vaccine-Autism Link  The Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania

Autism Spectrum Disorder and Vaccines  Rollins School of Public Health

Untangling the Genetic and Environmental Complexities of Autism Spectrum Disorder  National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

Sleep problems in autism, explained  The Transmitter: Neuroscience News and Perspectives

Autism genetics, explained  The Transmitter: Neuroscience News and Perspectives

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