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Autism - Treatments for Autism

Once a child is diagnosed as Autistic, some type of treatment plan need to be implmented. There are many different treatments for Autism. Many worry that they will have to use medications that can have dangerous side effects for their child. This is not always the case. While some children need medication, not all children require drugs. There are a variety of treatments available for the Autistic child besides prescription medication.

Some people will go with the standard type medical treatment plan, while others will try an alternative, natural plan. Let's look at some of the different types of treatment for Autism.

Medications - There are many types of drugs used in treating Autism. Different medications are given for different problems associated with Autism. Many autistic children must deal with anxiety, for example. Or autistic children sometimes have problems falling asleep. Medication can be used to help in these areas. Antipsychotic drugs are often used in children faced with behavioral problems. These medications do not cure the Autism, but treat the symptoms that stem from Autism. Drugs can have terrible side effects, so children need to be monitored closely while on any medication.

Occupational Therapy - Occupational therapy is used to teach daily living skills. The goal is to enable the Autistic child to be as independent as possible. They learn daily skills they need like dressing, or taking a bath. Occupatinal therapy also concentrates on developing fine motor skills, where the Child is taught to use any devices they may have to help them function in daily life. Instructions on safety measures are also given. This could be safety when outside, or dangers in the house.

Physical Therapy - Many Autistic children require physical therapy. This type of therapy helps children build up muscle tone. Ohbysical therapists also work with young children to improve basic motor skills. This can include walking, standing, and rolling. Many Autistic children can have other health problems. Specific strategies are created so that these problems can benefit from physical therapy too.

Behavioral Therapy - Behavioral therapy concentrates on teaching the Autistic child appropriate behaviors. Often this will include some form of a reward system. The child is shown how to act in social settings. This therapy is often done in the child's home setting. The parents, too, are given training in ways to deal with the child's unwanted behaviors. Usually an Autistic child will learn they will be rewarded for good behaviors, and this will lead them to stop some of the bad behavior.

Speech Therapy - Autistic children often have a hard time communicating. So speech therapy can encompass many different approaches. Along with needing help with vocalization, autistic children have problems understanding non-verbal cues. Some Autistic children do not speak at all, so they have to be taught other ways to communicate with others. Children with Autism need to be instructed about body language. Some children with Autism that do not speak are trained to communicate by signing, or with the use of pictures. The speech therapist may also work on getting a non-verbal child to speak.

These are just a few of the many treatments available to a child with Autism. Not all children will require all of the treatments, individual needs will show you what areas to work on. The most important factor is to find a treatment plan that works for your child. With proper treatment your Autistic child can thrive.

The NEW AUTISM Miracle Breakthrough - If you are intent on changing your child's life, there is new research out for people with Autism that has helped dozens of children reverse the effects of their condition.

To learn more about this AUTISM BREAKTHROGH, click here.

About the Author:  Scott Harker is the publisher of several websites including: Sherlock Holmes Pastiches, The Organic Chocolate Shop, In the Trade - Stocks and Bonds, Dieting Help | Move More - Eat Less, and On The Hook | Fishing Supplies.

News about Treatments for Autism

MeRT Therapy for Autism: A Success Story  Autism Parenting Magazine

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