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Featured Emetophobia Resource

You Don’t Have to Live With Emetophobia... You Can Eliminate Your Fear of Vomiting, Discover

The Emetophobia Eraser Program

It will teach you:
  • The simple 4-step technique that can bring your anxiety and obsessing to a stop. You’ll learn it in about 15 minutes and have the power to control your fear for a lifetime.

  • What’s actually happening to your body when you get anxious and why it’s a good thing. When you understand it and look it from this new perspective, you won’t need to be afraid of it anymore.

  • What you’re probably doing now that’s making your emetophobia worse every time you do it.

  • A teeny-tiny adjustment that’s going to shoot your confidence about handling any situation through the roof!

  • The 5 patterns of faulty thinking you MUST avoid to be successful at overcoming your phobia.

  • When to NEVER face your fear.

  • And much more.
Eliminate Your Fear, Visit

The Emetophobia Eraser Program

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What causes emetophobia? Most cases of emetophobia happen after a negative experience with vomiting. For example, you might develop emetophobia if you: Vomited in public or in front of someone else. Had an illness (like the stomach flu, food poisoning or alcohol poisoning) that caused a lot of vomiting. Choked on food.

Emetophobia is a specific phobia that involves an extreme fear of vomiting, seeing vomit, watching other people vomit, or feeling sick. People with emetophobia often live...

What Is Emetophobia? Emetophobia is the fear of vomiting. It involves being fearful of vomiting oneself, but also of seeing or hearing another person vomit or of seeing vomit. This mental health condition is classified as a specific phobia, which involves having a persistent, intense, and irrational fear of an object or situation.

Emetophobia is an extreme and irrational fear of vomiting. It's considered rare though more likely to occur in females. Sometimes called specific phobia of vomiting (SPOV), its symptoms are similar to those experienced with a panic attack. including rapid heart rate, tremors, and feeling dizzy.

Emetophobia is a phobia that causes overwhelming, intense anxiety pertaining to vomit. This specific phobia can also include subcategories of what causes the anxiety, including a fear of vomiting or seeing others vomit. [1] Emetophobes might also avoid the mentions of "barfing", vomiting, "throwing up", or "puking." [2]

If you suffer with this type of phobia (specifically known as emetophobia), you are not only repulsed by the idea of vomiting, you fear it. And you probably have at least one of these fears, too: Not being able to find a bathroom in time; Vomiting over and over and being unable to stop; Choking on vomit and suffering physically

Emetophobia is the fear of vomiting. It is a type of anxiety disorder, and is also known as specific phobia of vomiting (SPOV). Emetophobia can make someone feel severely anxious about being...

Emetophobia is the fear of or anxiety around vomiting. People with this phobia are repulsed by the act of being sick, but many say that the anticipation leading up to vomiting is...

Emetophobia is a fear of vomiting that can significantly disrupt daily life. Besides fearing you will vomit, you may also fear feeling nauseous, seeing or hearing someone vomit, or seeing vomit....

Emetophobia is a severe and persistent fear of vomit. Individuals with this condition experience anxiety around vomiting or witnessing someone else vomiting. Research suggests this phobia is...


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