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Steps to Take to Stop Drinking

by Ed Philips

If you feel that you drink too much. If you are beginning to realize that drinking too much alcohol is doing harm to yourself. You are begining to prepare to stop drinking.

The everyday pressures of life and the burden of worries that we face every day, to often have served as a catalyst for this growing affliction of alcoholism. More and more people seek an escape from these modern demands and pressures at the bottom of a bottle without the understanding that this will only worsen the problems they are experiencing in their social life or workplace.

Alcoholism has become one of the most prevalent diseases in our society today.

Just the action of deciding to work towards removing alcohol from your life can have a positive effect on yourself and those around you.

As you quit drinking, you will notice a better relationship with your family and friends. Your current state of health will improve... And your future health will be dramatically changed for the better. You will begin to feel and actually be more productive in all aspects of your life and enjoy the things you are doing more.

You know, alcohol doesn't make up for all of the things you feel like you might be missing in life; it only guarantees you will never have them.

Stop! Drinking! by -Tripp
Stop! Drinking

The decision to stop drinking is a difficult one to make. Take each day, step by step, for better success. Here are some suggestions to help you on your way to an alcohol free tomorrow.

One of the first steps is to understand what habits lead to your drinking. Replace these habits with something more positive and healthier. This will help you avoid the path to drinking. Once you create better habits, whether it is exercise, mind games, drinking water, new goals in life... your body will soon begin to recover from the damage caused by alcohol. You will feel more refreshed and more relaxed which will, in turn, lead to a diminishing urge to drink over time.

It is simple, yet hard. You need to educate yourself, and get support. Because quitting drinking isn't easy, you may feel it is beyond you. But anyone can do it. Be confident. Each step you take gets you closer to your goal of not drinking.

Accepting that you may have a problem is another important step. It is okay to seek help as necessary. Acceptance and seeking help are often the biggest steps to cutting back on alcohol, or cutting it out completely.

Some people deny to themselves that they have a problem. Some people deceive themselves with thoughts like:  "I can cope", "I'm only drinking what my friends drink", "I can stop anytime".

You need to fight off the temptation as best you can.

As malnutrition is a major source of dependency that encourages drinking, eat meats and fresh vegetables with every meal.

Avoid situations where alcohol might be present, tempting you to drink. Try a non-alcoholic drink as an alternative at the unavoidable social situation where alcohol is available. Chocolate or candy is helpful. Sugar cravings are normal when problem drinkers quit. By keeping chocolates or candies available, you fight off the mental craving by increasing your endorphins provided by these treats.

As an intermediary step, consider drinking low alcohol beers, or at least do not drink 'strong' beers or lagers. Try pacing the rate of drinking. Perhaps alternate soft drinks with alcoholic drinks.

You can always seek a doctor for help. A practical nurse or a doctor can help you dealt with your physical addiction. They can refer you to a specially trained counselor or advisor to help with the mental aspect of addiction. These people can help customize a plan for you personally to help give you the best odds of overcoming alcoholism.

When you carry out you plan to quit drinking, it may be best to quit gradually at first. The booze has your life, and will fight to keep it. A chronic alcoholic who quits all at once can be at major risk for health related issues. Or he may go into a cycle of quitting and binging. You need to quit and You need to seek help to make sure you quit the smartest way for you.

About the Author:  Discover how to Stop Drinking Alcohol Written by Ed Philips.

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