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Alcoholism Is More Common and Serious Than You Might Think

by Dave Owen

Did you know that alcohol addiction is an all too common disease, that can be fatal? Physicians have started to associate various cancers with alcoholism. They also see many other cases of illnesses directlly related to alcoholism that include alcohol-related cirrhosis, cardiomyopathy, gastrointestinal bleeding and pancreatitis.

There are also those that suffer the consequences of alcoholism without ever taking a drink of alcohol. These include the innocents that suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome, a leading cause of mental retardation. Other grave consequences of alcoholism include the traffic accidents that drinking and driving cause. Depression and dementia suffered by those with the disease. Suicides and homicides linked to alcoholism. Not to mention the risk to children of alcoholic parents that they too might someday suffer the same disease...

Did you know that alcoholism has an affect on every organ in the body? It is true, alcohol can shut the body down. Large doses of alcohol often cause coma and death. Individuals with long-term alcoholism are prone to experience withdrawal syndrome and brain excitability. Other symptoms of the alcohol ingestion include cell death and cerebellar degeneration, alcoholic hallucinosis, delirium tremors, and withdrawal seizures. Alcohol abuse is also associated with an increased incidence of acute respiratory distress syndrome. The World Health Organization found there is a greater risk for mental disorders amongst those who had an alcohol dependency.

Who are most at risk of becoming alcoholics and thus face the damage done by alcohol? At risk are those with a family history of alcoholism, those in lower income brackets and those who do not have higher educational achievements. But, of course, alcoholism is found in all strata of society.

Alcoholism, according to statistics, is the third leading cause of death in the U.S. with 85,000 deaths being linked to alcoholism each year in the United States. Another statistic shows that a large percentage of global diseases can be linked to alcoholism including 7% of breast cancer, 32% of all cirrhosis, 10% of hemorrhagic strokes, 19% of mouth and oropharyngeal cancers, and 25% of liver cancer.

Here are some more statistics on who is more likely to suffer from alcoholism. According to the U.S. National Comorbidity Survey and the Epidemiologic Catchment Area Survey, alcoholism in African Americans is greater than it is for those who are American and Caucasian. Others that have higher risk are those who are Hispanic Americans, Native American or Asian American. Alcohol addiction is also twice as likely to occur in males than females.

Despite the known danger of alcoholism and how common the disease is, medical doctors fail to make the correct diagnosis of alcoholism in almost 50% of the cases. Patients make diagnosing alcoholism difficult by denying they have a problem when asked. This lying about their problem may be due to a fear of job loss if an employer finds out about a diagnosis of alcoholism or just being too ashamed to admit they have a problem with alcohol. It should be noted that many smokers lie about their tobacco addiction when asked by their doctors if they smoke...

Sometimes the diagnoses for alcoholism is overlooked because medical professionals may be unaware of the proper way to screen for and to diagnose alcohol addiction. It is difficult to have accurate test results to make a diagnosis of alcoholism because blood tests and liver function tests can indicate many other possible diseases. Even the gamma glutamyl transferrin levels test are only 50% accurate. Facing the disease yourself and being honest about it, it is an important step in correcting the health problems associated with alcoholism.

News About the Health and Alcoholism

What Are the Impacts of Alcohol on Health?  University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

Alcohol  World Health Organization

European Alcohol Health Alliance Symposium  World Health Organization

Should you do Dry January? Experts weigh in  MD Anderson Cancer Center

More Evidence Ozempic Can Curb Alcoholism  U.S. News & World Report

Global alcohol action plan 2022-2030  World Health Organization

12 things to know about alcohol and cancer  MD Anderson Cancer Center

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