Lower Back Sprain

Anyone suffering from a lower back sprain knows that this kind of injury is very hard to treat. Most any kind of sprain is rested, iced, supported with ace bandages, and then also elevated. This is virtually impossible to accomplish with a lower back sprain. Making matters worse is the location of the injury. Since the ligaments in question are in a heavily muscled area that is responsible for a good many movements, keeping the area still is next to impossible. This leads to consistent pain for the sufferer of such a lower back sprain. No matter which movement the person makes, there is a good chance that it aggravates the overall back.

The lower back in particular is very open to being aggravated in this manner. Since it takes a good deal of time to heal from a lower back sprain – at least two weeks, but in some cases even a couple of months – the pain experienced on a daily basis is hard to handle. In some cases the patient will seek to compensate for the painful movements. This leads to a reworking of simple moves in an effort to avoid the painful muscle spasms and also ligament stretching. Unfortunately, this has the potential to backfire more often than not.

In some cases it is actually this kind of muscular compensation that leads to a further aggravation of the lower back sprain. Since the body is now being contorted to avoid a certain kind of pain, there is a good chance that another ligament is being stretched and perhaps even torn beyond endurance. When this occurs, the initial lower back sprain may heal in one place, but in another may case a flare up. This may lead to a number of months of back pain.

If the services of a physician are not sought out, there is a furthermore good chance of causing the patient to reinjure the back at the very spot where the initial lower back sprain took place. This then seems to set into motion a never ending cycle of back pain, chronic pain, and also chronic back muscles weaknesses and sprains. Avoiding this may not be easy to do, but visiting a doctor and receiving pain ending injections that may help with the prevention of the compensatory movements is indeed a wise idea that should be heeded carefully. It might end the potentially continuous injuries.