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Excessive Head Sweating - Hyperhydrosis

by Jeff McDougall

Sweating is a natural phenomenon necessary for the normal regulation of an human’s body temperature. The secretion of sweat is mediated by a part of our involuntary nervous system (the Sympathetic Nervous System). Facial blushing, or erythrophobia, is a sudden reddening of the face that occurs spontaneously or in response to stressful stimuli, which can extend to the neck, forehead, ears and the upper chest. Some areas are obviously harder to conceal than others.

Facial blushing generally appears during the teenage years. The sudden burst of facial redness is triggered by the unexpected announcement of exciting information or sometimes by the presence of others, which can also tie in with excessive sweating. Biththe sweating and blushing may have a serious social as well as functional impact on the victim's life.

In some people (about 1% of the population), this Sympathetic Nervous System is working at a too high of an activity level - much higher than needed to keep a constant temperature. This condition is referred to as hyperhidrosis. Facial sweating and facial blushing often happen in conjunction, as they are both caused by over activity of the sympathetic nervous system. Therefore it is not possible to control or stop it voluntarily, and this makes sweating and facial blushing unpredictable and unforeseeable in most circumstances.

A common misconception about this condition is that it typically affects only those people who are overweight, but this is not true as it can affect anybody.

Experiencing sweat pouring down from the forehead in moments of anxiety can be very distressful and induce the patient to think that others consider them nervous or insecure. Unfortunately, others may also misinterpret your facial sweating and blushing as a sign of embarrassment or sickness. This, in turn, can cause the person to avoid social interactions such as work, school, sporting activities, and other situations that would stimulate these unwanted reactions.

Antiperspirant is usually recommended as the first therapeutic measure. The most effective agent over the latest years seems to be aluminium chloride, applied in the evening, two to three times per week. Generally, this treatment has been seen as effective in cases with light to moderate hyperhidrosis, but has to repeat on a recurring basis. This is not recommended for the neck or scalp area.

Another option that physicians are exploring today are Botox injections which are currently used in the treatment of excessive underarm and feet sweating. However you must be aware that Botox has not yet been approved for the treatment of any other form of hyperhidrosis and can often be very painful and costly, not to mention dangerous. Botox may be effective in treating facial hyperhidrosis, but the treatment lasts only six to twelve months and can cause a stiffness of facial expression and.

Surgery can be effective for the control of facial sweating and blushing problems, but careful consideration of the side effects are essential with your doctor. Compensatory sweating may occur and apparently there is a risk of Horner's syndrome (which is a drooping eye lid).

This surgery, known as endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy (ETS), involves a small incision in the chest area, through which the nerves responsible for sweating are clamped or severed. Sympathectomy is often known as a final resort to help cure facial sweating.

Once regarded as exclusive treatment to cure facial sweating, it has its problems. In recent times, surgical solutions have declined as surgical treatment to cure sweating are prone to show lower success rates.

None of these options are truly the best solutions... Are there natural cures to excessive head sweating? Visit Sweat Free, for ways to be free from excessive head sweating forever.

Author Resource:-> Visit to lean the various targeted methods to help beat facial hyperhidrosis sweating problems.

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